Friday, April 21, 2006

This week (well nearly two weeks ago now) Weike and I headed off to Kumasi. It is about 4 and a half to 6 hours drive away. More if the tro tro of bus breaks down which is common. It is the second largest city to Accra in Ghana with just over 1 million people. It is however is a lot cleaner and has a more posititive feel to it than Accra. Though some of my Ghanian friends think I saw a differnt Kumasi than the one they saw. Either way I liked the place.
Kumasi is the Capital of the Ashanti people. They are one of the two main tribal groups in Ghana and also parts of West Africa. This place had a lot of power up until the 1800's where the British really started to assert control. Because of this there is a lot of history which surrounds the place including a special Golden Stool which the head "chief" had in their possession though was never aloud to sit on as it would bring bad luck.
Did little in Kumasi as are planning on going back. Saw a lovely Cultural Centre. Went to the largest outdoor market in West Africa. We only lasted 10mins though as it was very narrow, crowded, overwellming at times and disorrientating. I did come out with a pair of slippers (jandals) for 7,000 cedis though (just over one NZ dollar). Weike come out with over 100 coffee toffee which she loves for 8000 cedis.
Spent one day at Lake Botswami. It is not too far from Kumasi and it really stunning. I think it compares to the lake in Queenstown. Though the sad thing about this is that we were cornered into paying two seperate entry fees (one in the taxi there) and one where we arrived. Additonally the locals all expect you to just give them money and they are constantly hounding you. Got a lot of exercise this day with Weike and I walking more than 10km with packs (Hope that makes you happy mum).
It is sad to say but one of the best parts of staying in Kumasi was the accomodation (which was on the cheap side of our normal stays, about NZ$5). We had large single comfortable beds that were clean and had a pillow. The power always worked as did the running water. We had a fan. Though overall it was the working hot water showers that just made the trip. Especially since both of us had no idea they had them.

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