Thursday, March 09, 2006

Transport and Roading.


The key way to drive in Ghana is to use your horn. This is done to tell pedestrians to get out of your way and to tell people your are passing them. There are no passing lanes in Ghana that I can see, so you pass whenever you think there is room while using the horn. This makes driving an adventure wherever you go.

If you do not have a car of your own which most people don't there are three main ways of travel apart from your feet.
Tro Tro (minivan type of thing) which is the easiest to access most of the time and very cheap (no more than 2000 cedi (about 20c USA) to go more than 5km. While there are certain stops for this, there are no signs, so you have to be a local to start with so you know where to catch them and need to pick up the correct hand signals to use which indicate where you want to go. Being Oberne (white) however helps as they will stop nearly anywhere for us.
The next is the bus. This is used mainly between areas and costs 1000 cedi to (just over US$1). On here it common for there to be someone selling something (anything) and they talk and they talk (though not in English so I have no idea what they say). Having church on the bus is also common and nearly everyone on the bus joins in at the end with a prayer.
Then there are taxis who will never admit that they do not know where they are going. They range in quality though none has seat belts. The rates are agreed upon before you go anywhere which is great! The drivers like home will never admit if they do not know where they are going, so your short trips can end up being quiet a bit longer.

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